Dr Luca Ronconi, University of Galway (President)
Professor Orla Howe, Technological University Dublin (Vice-President)
Dr Deirdre Fitzgerald Hughes, RCSI, University of Medicine & Health Sciences (Honorary Secretary)
Dr Diego Montagner Maynooth University (Honorary Treasurer)
Professor Michael Devereux, Technological University Dublin (Immediate Past-President 2021-2023)
Professor Celine J. Marmion, RCSI, University of Medicine & Health Sciences (Past-President 2018-2020)
Darren Beirne (Maynooth University -Postgraduate Representative)
Dr Christopher Burke (University College Cork)
Dr Joseph Byrne (University College Dublin)
Dr Bernie Creaven (Technological University Dublin)
Professor Kevin Kavanagh (Maynooth University)
Professor Tia Keyes (Dublin City University)
Professor Aidan McDonald (Trinity College Dublin)
The IBICS Committee are seeking nominations for additional members from Higher Education Institutions at which Biological and/or Inorganic Chemistry is being conducted and where those Institutions are not currently represented on this Committee.
As per the Constitution, any member shall be entitled to nominate another member for the committee, provided the nominee has consented to stand and is eligible for the office. Note, only members of the Society are eligible to hold office as Committee members. Nominations shall be seconded by one other member and shall be received in writing (including email) not less than fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations are to be sent to the IBICS honorary secretary, Professor Orla Howe (secretary@ibics.ie)