IBICS Mission Statement

The Irish Biological Inorganic Chemistry Society (IBICS) – is a learned Society engaging a multi-disciplinary community of scientists seeking to advance research that crosses the interface between medicinal inorganic chemistry and biology in Ireland. The Society’s mission is to develop, foster and promote a strong national network of scientists collaborating in research areas such as biology, chemistry, physics and medicine with an interest in biological inorganic chemistry.

Our Logo

The Irish Biological Inorganic Chemistry Society (IBICS) logo is an adaptation of the Celtic symbol for the spiral of life, a universal symbolic representation of birth, survival, death. The triple spiral is also interpreted as representing eternal truth. The Society, through its multi-disciplinary research and professional activities, seeks to understand the chemical and biological basis of life. It also seeks to generate new medical and therapeutic discoveries based on this evidence and to share this new knowledge responsibly.

The Irish Biological Inorganic Chemistry Society (IBICS) – is a registered charity (CHY22254)